Sunday, August 5, 2012

So, a quick check in. I have been terrible keeping this updated. I am very tired. Not really stressed because I am not thinking very much. I am too busy to think and that is good and bad. I will crash eventually.

Work. I am now running the post office on our island. Scary as heck. I am the only one working there so if things gets screwed up it's all on me. I have been training my butt off to learn stuff. I have been there about a year and a half now but never knew how to do most of what needs to be done. My first week is done. I have no back up until October at the earliest so it's going to be six days a week for a while. I am also still doing the library so when I get off of work on Saturdays I go there and my lunch breaks three days a week. So, about 49 hours a week. It is an adjustment for everyone. I had been able to take jobs where I was working from home or could take Sofie with me before so she isn't very pleased with the new arrangement. I don't blame her. She is ok with it overall though since it's summer and she has lots of things to do. She rides her bike with Cade everywhere and there are lots of activities on the island to do. Will is taking drivers ed finally so that will be a help when he is done. Connor is lobstering when he isn't in town for doctor's visits. He had more blood tests done to check his thyroid and is going to therapy weekly again. He bought and agenda to keep track of thing and it is exactly what he needs (yea therapist) Now, we'll see if Connor uses it.

Sean has pissed the boys off again. He does a family hike every year and didn't invite them. Cade is going but his uncle was the one who told him about it. I thought Sean had but I was wrong. Then Sean asked me if he could take Sofie to Disney World. That brought up a whole lot of issues. One, he didn't ask the boys. Two, just before he left he was talking about taking our whole family there for Christmas instead of presents when he knew we didn't have any money. The rest of us didn't be he did. The idea that he is taking his new family instead made them mad. They aren't jealous of Sofie at all and have no problem with the idea of her going. Since Cade has talked to his dad recently because if the hike thing Sean has updated his request to include Cade for Disney World. Cade doesn't want to go. That is giving me some stress. Sean is being sketchy about his job situation. I just chalk it up to his bipolar issues and I am not going to deal with it. His problem not mine. The bad relations with the kids, again, not my problem right now. I have to deal with getting Connor his dental stuff done before he loses insurance in January, get a tutor for him to make up his stuff from his last little break down, get stuff in writing from his school that he will be a senior after he turns 18 in January so I can still get child support for him. Keep an eye on Cade so he doesn't do something stupid again. Make sure Sofie doesn't try and cut her hair (again) by herself, deal with my new job, try and figure out how we will survive with a loss of food stamps, figure out the island car situation (I don't have one), get my in town car fixed (called AAA for a tow and found out they didn't do it but filled the air in my tire instead), and how to do everything in my house that needs to be done on one day off. Oh, and let's not forget I have to go to the hospital in October for a minor thing done. More on that another time.

I have to run now. A full day in town. No rest for the wanna be wicked.


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