Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Birthday Craziness

First Day of School - Big Kid Desks

So, yesterday was my birthday and the kids first day back at school. My golf cart was fixed the afternoon before so I was able to drop Will off for work and then take Sofie to school. When we opened the door everyone began singing to me. I think they could tell I was embarrassed. Sofie didn't know what to do. It was kind of funny.

I wasn't sure if Connor was going to make it at all. He was up at 3am running the shower. I knew that meant he wasn't feeling well and sure enough he was throwing up shortly there after. He said after he threw up that he felt a whole lot better though and went to school. I had been thinking, here we go he's going to miss his first day. I don't know if it was nerves or something he ate. He was the only one who got sick though and he has been fine since.

That after noon I went back to the school for a PTC (parent/teacher committee) meeting to plan out the school year. The kids were all playing in the playground and we were trying to finish off to meet the ferry at 4pm to see how the big kids first day went when Will popped his head in to ask for a ride home. I said sure and then we heard an engine and a squeal of brakes. Will went to check and he came back in pale and said "someone" (I can't legally say who) was injured. Since in that room alone we had 3 EMT's we ran outside. The ambulance was on the other side of the playground so I told Will to watch the kids and keep them out of the way. We sent someone else to tell the family since they were also right down the road. It was a trauma and my first real call. I don't know but when you know the person too it adds a whole lot more to the whole thing. Keeping calm and out of each other's way. So one of us called 911 to get the fireboat out and on it's way, another got the ambulance out and the other stayed with our friend. It took a while and from the time we started to the time we were washing down the ambulance took nearly two hours. We got a call this morning that the person is going to be ok but in the hospital a few days. I felt so bad because as EMT's we can't do anything for pain and the person was in a lot of pain. Knowing the person is in good hands really is a relief.

After that excitement I went home to a pot roast and lemon cake I made for my birthday. The kids were great with Will taking Sofie home and them getting everything ready knowing why I was gone. I had a friend over and the presents were nice. After I was all relaxed Cade gave me a huge folder of school paper work to sign. That wasn't what I was hoping for to end my day.

Today started off well other than the rain. I got Will and my friend's son to work and Sofie to school and on the way home the cart died again. I could have screamed. It was just wet and being a pain but, really?

Here we go again. That taste of road freedom was so sweet. *sigh*


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