Sunday, March 20, 2011

Innocent Eyes

The other day I was shopping at the grocery store with Sofie. We were in the check out lane and she tugged me and said, "Mumma! There is a beautiful lady over there." I looked around but I didn't know who she was referring to. I asked her where she was. Sofie told me, "The lady with the rainbow hair. She's going to have a baby!" I looked over and a few isles down was a very young pregnant woman. I would say she was in her late teens, early 20's and she did indeed have rainbow colored hair. Hence the picture I posted just to give a little example of what her hair was like. Not the actual person of course. Our eyes met and the girl smiled at Sofie obviously hearing the whole thing since Sofie wasn't quiet in the least bit. I smiled back. I am sure Sofie made her day because Sofie waved and said, "Hi beautiful baby lady!" I can imagine how some people would probably look down on such a young girl, pregnant and with an obvious style of her own. People seem to do that don't they?Seriously judge. I guess Sofie did too but in a very nice way. Through innocent eyes.


Anonymous said...

What a sweet story! You are raising a wonderful young lady - best wishes!
- Daisy in Arizona

Carol said...

What Daisy said :-)

And what an amazing mom, to recognize that quality in Sofie and nurture it--you truly are doing a great job!

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