Friday, March 4, 2011

Isn't this boring?

Whatever it is that is making me feel crappy seems to be getting better. I was really out of it yesterday. I slept well the night before (mostly due to nighttime cold medicine) but that same medicine made me sleepy all day. I didn't do very much but I realized my new classes started and I was freaking a little because I thought I had the week off. So I was a day behind. I had two classes yesterday so I spent most of the day in bed with my laptop. Not a bad deal huh? I did housework and took care of the kids of course, Will is sick, but the rest of the time I did my homework and rested and drank plenty of fluids. A lot of green tea. Still, I was coughing up crud all day. Is this a sign I am getting better? At this point, who the heck knows. I think I have some kind of immune problem. This winter has been horrible. I eat my veggies and fruits, take my vitamins, ride Will's exercise bike when I can't take my walk, load up on antioxidant stuff and keep the house as dust free and clean as possible so..what the heck? I know I have germ factories called children living with me but come on..I am getting real tired of this. I do have a lot of stress though....

I got a call today from my new boss...(hee hee) saying my orientation day has been set back to the 28th. I can't be on the rolls until the employee I am replacing if officially gone. After that I will get my paid training and start working. I will have to inform DHHS. I hate doing the right thing...still, has to be done.

Speaking of DHHS, still no word about them collecting anything. I think they send me mail to raise my hopes. *sigh* At the very least I know they are making his life miserable. I'll take what I can get. I am still waiting for the rest of the court ordered money from him. Frankly, if I don't have it by now I doubt I will.

Paid bills today. I want to cry.


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