Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Leap of Faith

Sofie's reading/video game corner

So Cade is gone for the week on a school trip. He forgot his sleeping bag of course even after I reminded him. I am getting better and shrugging and telling myself it isn't my problem. I did my part after all.

Sofie was supposed to go on a field trip yesterday but we both felt sick. I was crashing after getting only 2 or 3 hours of sleep a night since Saturday. I don't know if I was stressed more than usual or just feeling the cold coming on that kept me up so much. I like that night time cold stuff. It helps.

Connor finally managed to find a job. Not in town though but on a nearby islands boat yard. He will be patching traps and learning how to work on boats. He will work every day he doesn't have to stay after school and weekends. Due to the boat schedule that will mean him staying with a friend on the other island quite often. I am not thrilled but willing to let him try. If he crashes and burns at least he tried. I packed a banana box full of food for him so he won't eat his friend out of house and home. He has a set time every day to call or the job experiment is over and a certain grade he has to maintain for school. He is also seeing his school counselor every single day now. That more than anything has been the most helpful. His mood is good. So, we'll see.

Will is moving right along. He has been making about $1000 a month and also doing side jobs and school work. He could be doing more school work than he is but he'll have more time for that by the end of November. He already is never here on his days off spending time with friends so I am not worried about him cutting off from the world. I don't ask him to pay me rent or anything but he helps me when I ask without complaint, helps with Sofie if I need it and helps with some of the bills like the phone and internet. His brothers complain a bit when he might hog the tv but I tell them he has earned it and since he is rarely home to watch it in the first place they better not whine. He also cooks which is a huge bonus but I know he if didn't already like doing that he wouldn't. One thing about Will is he won't do anything he doesn't want to do. Quite stubborn.

In my quest to update the library to a more modern age I have been fiddling around with ebooks and audiobooks. I have been about going blind with all the free options out there to listen or look at. There is just not enough time in the world to read everything and that makes me sad. I wish I could earn money by reading. I would be filthy rich.


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