Thursday, March 17, 2011

Where have I been?

Here. Fretting.

My school site has had issues since redoing their site and so my grade are low because I wasn't able to even log in for days at a time. It will be taken care of but still....

Connor is the same....."unhappy". Having a hard time getting in to see the pdoc.

My car in town is dead. I will have to wait until I get my taxes back to fix it, although a friend is going to have a look at it on Tuesday. I have to beg for rides or borrow until then. Rides on Fridays to swim class and next week Connor has a session and Cade has a conference. He missed high honors because of gym. How lame is that?

I have to see Sean tomorrow to drop off the kids....that stinks.

Honestly thee is so much going wrong from the large to the small I feel my heart aching all the time....literally. At least no one is sick for a change. I cleaned my house to get a feeling of control in my life. I want to go to bed but I have a class at 10pm tonight.

I made green pancakes to celebrate the holiday today. There was a potluck at the hall but I had a class at the same time it was going on and missed it. Will was in town and Cade had a bad day and was upset so he didn't go. Connor went but I didn't want to send Sofie with him. So, the rest of us had pancakes after my class was done. I really wish I could have gone.

No word on my orientation day. I finally got paid for babysitting. I have people hunting down the number to the loggers so I can get paid. When I mentioned they had stiffed me two weeks pay it didn't sit well. I hope someone chews them out. I am too much like a shivering chihuahua right now to do it myself. I am pretty confident Sean is also going to stiff me. April first is beginning to loom and I haven't heard anything. I feel great to have gotten some money this month for working. Not enough but I did pick up two more jobs for next month. Look for the positive.


Carol said...

I think you and I have the same stupid karma--one good thing to every ten bad things!!!!

I hope your car problem is something simple--we've had a lot of car problems this year, too :-(

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