Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Faux Potluck

Quite out of it today. We went to a dinner at the hall last night which wasn't what I expected. It was supposed to be a potluck so I made a beef stew and cookies. Turns out the plan had been changed to a pasta dinner so no one had to bring anything. I was the only one who didn't know. More food for me so, oh well. The kids had fun. Even Connor was running around playing tag with the little kids. However, Cade, Sofie and Connor woke up with slight colds this morning. I am feeling tired myself. Not sure why exactly. Sofie has a bit of a cough so she is in bed. Connor and Cade are toughing it out. Will stayed in town yesterday so he missed out on all the cake but he also missed out on all the germs...:)

There is a nip to the air today. Why does that make me want to take a nap?


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