Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Well, give me a break

Things went well on the interview today. I will have to take a drug test *snort* and then I will have my orientation on the 14th. My first official day will be on the 26th. I surely hope there will be some training between the 14th and the 26th. I am supposed to get 20 hours of that. All paid. *whoot!* It's not much, four hours a week minimum. After that I will have to be as flexible as possible to fill in for sick days, training or vacations. She hinted she might take a week this summer. She will retire in four years and so...who knows? I plan on going on for a masters in school so I might still be doing that in four years. So, riding high on getting the job something has to wrong right? Just to even the karma. My car in town won't start. I have no idea why. I hope it isn't electrical. There was some charge because the radio turned on. I didn't call for help and just came home. I will bring my jumper in town and try that. If that doesn't work I guess I will have to have it towed. I think I will get AAA this week. The island car wouldn't start either. I thought it was just because I was out of gas. I got it filled today (I had some brought to the house) then tried it. No go. I jumped it. Worked fine. Turned it off to make sure it would start. Nothing. So I will have to jump it every time I start it. This happened to the last car I had. I will call around and see if anyone has a overnight charger. That might be the problem. The battery it rather new. So darn annoying.

I was able yet again to pay for the parking by the skin of my teeth. I got a call in to a friend to double check our taxes (she pays me for babysitting and we always check our records with each other) so I should be able to get that done soon. I am hoping a miracle will happen and Sean will pay the rest of the money he owes this month. I do know I will be getting some child support on the third. I will feel better when I can pay off some bills. The job is a great thing. I also got someone on the loggers so I can get that money. They are officially gone and they let without paying me. I am glad I didn't go and clean last weekend. Always make the people pay first! :)


Carol said...

I know it's late (I just don't feel as comfortable reading blogs at my "new" job and still no internet at home) but CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!

I am so proud of you and amazed at everything you've accomplished through so much adversity--whether you see it or not, I think you're amazing!!!

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