Sunday, August 28, 2011

Storm Update

So, we finally got everything inside that could fly through the air and break a window yesterday. t was kind of annoying the boys couldn't do it while I was at work but when I got some the look on my face showed I meant business and they hopped to it, except Will who had just got off work himself. He helped his boss get their boat out of the water. Yesterday was the "lobsterman" day at the marina. All the pleasure boats got out the day before. Will said they had to wait a long time because there was four boats ahead of them and five behind them. Everyone had been waiting as long as they could because they needed to get all their traps out of the water or set much further out. Will's boat isn't huge so they pulled all their traps. When you have 1000 traps that can take a while. To make it worse the lobsters know a storm is coming and have shuffled off to deeper water so they are lucky to have gotten 4 lobster in 50 traps. No joke. A lot of work for nothing.

Will left yesterday to a friends house inland. He wasn't running away from the storm but is hanging out with another friend. Lot's of his friends are shipping off to college so they are all trying to see each other for "the last time". At least Will brought in all the big stuff on Friday afternoon like the grill and lawn chairs and our plants. One of our neighbors boys (he is 16) was visiting when I got home and I told him if he was staying he was working. He laughed and helped out. Connor the sneak did nothing and instead made dinner for everyone. Nice trick to get out of clearing the yard but no one complained. He made shrimp alfredo. How can you complain about that?

We have our drinking water and toilet water all ready. I am pretty sure we will lose power. Not worried about flooding or storm surge though. We are on high ground. Even though it's been downgraded to a tropical storm the winds won't be any worse than some of the winter storms we get. We also had all the weak rooted trees taken down this spring so nothing should fall on the house. I do need to get a crank radio. That would be nice. I have a walkman but my speakers I had for it died. I haven't been able to find any to replace them. I have head phones of course but we liked being able to listen to music when the power went out. I was already stocked on batteries. To my immense relief. I also got a little camp stove after the last storm so we can have something warm. I did note I need more lamp oil. I poured the last of it in my lamp for this storm. First aid kit, check. I had been building my EMT bag so I wasn't worried there. Once I get my golf cart I should be getting a beeper to answer calls. It's a scary thought for me to be so responsible for someone else's life.

The boys are actually excited for the storm to come. My friends son is still here with me for the next week so there will be the four of us. I will keep the updates coming.


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