Friday, April 8, 2011

Do I have time for this?

No, but I am going to blurb something out anyway. Where to begin? How about a call from Cade's school counselor this week while I was in the middle of a elementary school gym chaperoning Sofie at a health fair? Sound like a fine and calm setting? He told me Cade had come to talk to him. I had a feeling Cade would since he was crying when he got off the boat and very stressed. He mumbled something about how he didn't have his work done and he was going to get yelled at but that really wasn't the problem. He had his work done but he had a lot on his mind. What stuff you ask? Well, Monday was the first time since he went to school on the island he missed a day after being at his dad's house. He talked and talked and talked. Some was venting some was just random things. Talking around the problem. I knew he had gotten into a fight with Kathryn and that she yelled at him but he didn't elaborate. I knew he would tell me eventually. He did on the same day he told the counselor so I was glad I didn't have to ask. Well, she not only yelled but swore and in the end grabbed his waist and shoved him into the side of a door. He has a bruise on his leg. Connor was the one who saw it first and he was hopping mad. The counselor didn't see the bruise since it is high on Cade's leg so nothing was reported this time. She is on the radar. I was also able to remind Cade on Wednesday's a lady he knows well from the island is there as a visiting nurse and he can also talk to her. The fight was stupid. It was just a dumb thing and so small really. She asked him to come upstairs and he said he would in a minute. How many parents of teens and pre-teens hasn't heard that before?He was on the computer and was trying to turn it off first because he didn't want the younger girls to mess with his stuff and because he gets yelled at for leaving anything electronic on. He should have told her what he was doing and maybe the event could have been prevented but he didn't and her reaction was unacceptable. She ran down the stairs and yelled and swore and said how this was her house and her rules and just pressed the button on the computer off. That's really bad for the computer by the way. Anyway, after that she shoved him and hurt him. He was in pain of course and although he didn't technically swear back he came close and said, "I can't believe you did that! You're an ahole!" Well, I talked to him about how to not make a bad situation worse. His response could have made things really bad. Thankfully she just pushed past him and left. She could have slapped him for that or worse. They have to be there for April vacation. I asked Cade if he was going to be ok and he said, "Oh yeah, I am looking forward to my week of hell." I was so sad I didn't even say anything to him about swearing. I mean, what do I do?


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