Monday, April 11, 2011

Not again...

I think I am doomed when it comes to cars. I was able to get the island car running Friday evening and even though I had to jump it every time I turned the car on at least I could get to point B from A. Well, It died again today and now it sits beside the school. Of course to make everything perfect it was during a thunderstorm when it gave up the ghost. I am so done. I don't even know how to move it from there and right now I don't care. I came home and cried. I was at least able to get a ride so Sofie didn't have to walk home in the rain. She had a rain coat at least unlike me. I really needed the car too because I need to bring my heavy three step ladder to one of the houses I am cleaning to get at the windows. I told Connor he needs to chip in with me and Will and get a golf cart or something. He said he would since he has made $300 in the past three days. Who knows how much he can spare though since he is saving up for drivers ed. Will is out of money now since he paid for his trip and his first semester of college as well as incidentals. I have $500 to give the cause but I had wanted that for rent. I need something before summer hits and we will be zooming from one job to the next I just can not walk 20 miles a day plus work on my feet every day all summer. Connor is also working on fixing up three bikes for himself and his brothers. I don't know. I am just feeling tired right now. Tired of life more than anything. Guess I had better get motivated and plan dinner.


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