Tuesday, January 18, 2011

After that Fact

I really despise finding out about things after the fact. Sean did that to me constantly until I got angry. Then he would be angry with me saying how all this happened a while ago so what am I getting upset for? I dunno, finding out about things everyone assumes I know about, in front of them, because I am your wife and should know these things. Trying to smile through the humiliation to seethe quietly until I could get him alone to say, "What the hell? How come I didn't know about this then?" Even if the incident was years ago it is never nice to find out you have been lied to either to your face or by omission. This weekend I had company. Company who has known Sean as long as me. I had been talking about Sean taking Will's money and how this wasn't new and that he had done this to me in the past but it hadn't occurred to me until much later because I had forgotten about it until the whole thing with Will came up. Sean believing he knew what was best on how to spend money that did not belong to him. I had thought he had spent my car insurance money all those years ago for food. Would have been nice to have known that before he wreaked my car. It didn't make any sense to me since we had food to begin with. It wasn't prime rib but we ate. I found out on Saturday he hadn't bought food but a trailer hitch for the car. A hitch with the idea of moving back to Maine from New Mexico that he hadn't even told me about. What if I had said no? It was MY car not his. He didn't discuss with me at all about moving. Something from 19 years ago and I am just feeling fed up. I am so tired about finding out about how he has lied to me yet again. About stupid stuff no less. How can he be trusted with the big stuff then?

Sofie came home yesterday. She had an extra day with Sean because of the holiday. She wasn't pleased since thought she would be home on Sunday. She is very clingy and it seems transitions are going to be trouble for a while. One of my neighbors (a man) got off the same boat as her and came over to me before she had gotten off and apologized to me. He said he was sorry and it probably wasn't his place but he "Ripped that bastard up one side and down the other..." on the ferry ride in. Apparently Sean got on his laptop and proceeded to ignore Sofie the whole ride back. The guy told Sean he should be paying attention to his daughter and not some stupid machine. Since it was Monday and not Sunday the other moms who ride in weren't there. They are usually the ones who watch her and walk off with her since Sean stopped doing it. Yesterday he walked off with her, the first time in months since Cade wasn't there either. Sean then told me he had "forgotten" her snow pants. I knew he would do that and already had a spare. He also "forgot" her gloves. Two pair of them. This week I took her hat and gloves off when he picked her up and took them with me. He looked at me funny but I knew he had some for her there and that if I sent them it would be another pair and hat, gone. No worries next weekend. He bailed.

Other worries instead. Had a chat with Connor today. His anxiety is worse. He was open with me though and I am trying to focus on that. He told me he felt like his life just fell apart in October and he "had nothing to live for". Red Flag. I was just thrilled to find out this, now. This is even more serious than he has been letting on. Connor was supposed to be seeing his counselor which Sean agreed to in mediation but in the three months Connor was there only went once. Another time was when Sean walked out because I was there and never even brought Connor inside. I asked Connor if he talked to his dad about this (since he was living there at the time) and he said no. He said he knew his dad would listen to him since it was expected of him but that Connor felt his dad didn't care and didn't hear him. That his dad was too wrapped up in Kathryn and his own stuff to really bother with him. Kathryn meanwhile would butt in and tell him to "suck it up and deal with it". So very helpful. We talked of other things and in the end I was able to get him an appointment on Friday with his regular doctor. He trusts her and she will refer him to the pdoc with any recommendations for meds. I also called the school and left a message with the social worker there. I am waiting for a call back. He has his appointment with his counselor for next Monday. So, hopefully the ball will start moving. He isn't curled up in a ball in his room but he is withdrawing at a fast clip. Hanging on by his nails. Coming home he was able to get a lot of stress off his shoulders but created a new one with the falling out with his dad. He is still bitter about Kathryn as well. Sadly, his slide had already started when he got here and now we are struggling to find a way back. In order for him to get any education at all I may have to home school him so he can earn his credits. If I am lucky the school with work with me and he can just do his work at home while he gets some therapy. I hope we can make a good IEP that helps him.


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