Monday, January 10, 2011

On the Mend...again

All the kids are at school. Finally. Cade and Sofie still have a few days left of their antibiotics but sound so much better. Will and Connor too seem much better. I can breathe through my nose again so for me that's a thumbs up. I am only a little tired and stuffy. Now I have to clean my own house. I had a job yesterday cleaning and even though I really didn't want to go of course I did. I was huffing and puffing because I was so clogged up. Thankfully the job wasn't too bad. I just refused to question things like why a thawed bag of frozen peas was in the middle of the living room floor. Seven men in one house....let the filth begin.

I have had trouble being motivated for anything much less my school work. Thank goodness I have one class where the project is due next week. I have done my reading but here again I have today and tomorrow to get the other project done. I feel more confident though than I did last week. In the end it only took me an hour to do. I am hoping for the same result this time. I have class today and it has been working for me to have the class first before I do the projects. Maybe next semester I will have the classes in the beginning of the week and not the end so I don't fret so much.

I haven't heard back from Sean about court or about the kids. Not that I care but it is a bit strange he hasn't bothered to harass me. I think maybe I start getting jumpy he is planning something. His unpredictability ties me up in knots sometimes. I hate getting into a nice comfortable groove and then him upsetting my apple cart. I am trying to push all that on the back burner and focus on getting better and dealing with one stress at a time. I have no doubt I get sick from all the stress which forces me to slow down.

Things I am proud of recently...I fixed the lamp in the kids room. I had to switch out the broken pull chain. Simple enough but I had never done that before so I am happy. As soon as I got that done then they broke their closet door. There is no fixing that. I will need to get a new door. One step know the rest.


Carol said...

I love when I'm able to fix something like that, even if it's something "easy"--if I haven't ever done it before and I'm learning it on my own, it's not "easy"!

It's a really good feeling when you fix something and it works!

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