Sunday, January 2, 2011

Frayed Nerves

The kids came home yesterday. We watched some movies and got caught up. They didn't go to Boston. The kids weren't going to go anyway but Cade had a bad cough which made his chest muscles very sore and had some tummy issues. On the plus side for Sean he made the choice to have Cade stay home and stayed with him. I am always pleased when Sean thinks clearly. On the bad side this peeved the "wife". She stayed as well and took out her anger on the kids all week which is why Sofie snapped the other day. Let's see...Cade said she made him a ham sandwich and the bread had mold on it. Hey, it happens so I wasn't upset about him discovering the mold, it was how the situation was handled that could have been better. Cade saw it and of course didn't want to eat the sandwich (would you?) so he pointed out the mold. Kathryn was upset, cut off the section of the sandwich that had the mold on it and slammed the plate on the table and said, "There! Now it your god d***ed sandwich!" Now I wonder where he got his diarrhea from? Then she yelled at him after he had been sick in the bathroom because she thought he didn't clean up after himself well enough. She yelled at both Cade and Sofie for leaving the toilet lid up. She is afraid the toddler will drown. I think it's a bit naive of her to think a lowered lid alone is a sufficient deterrent. She should have the lock for the seat if she is really concerned about that issue. It's also rather unrealistic to assume a four year old is going to remember every single time. There is something to be said about actually keeping an eye on your kids and being aware of where they are. Very tiring but it's kind of what you sign up for when you have them in the first place. Apparently she was yelling at Sean all week as well over the smallest things. She was upset he moved the vitamins she had set out for them to take. I will give Sean points again for moving them to begin with. He had to leave the kitchen and moved them into a cabinet so the little kids wouldn't get into them. A smart choice. A safe choice. It's just too bad his memory is so swiss cheesed he couldn't remember which cabinet they were in. Cade said all week Sean just swallowed all of the screaming and did nothing. I suppose it would be too much to ask for him to defend the kids when he doesn't even defend himself. The girl there has started biting Sofie again. Cade has been protecting Sofie and it has caused tensions to rise even higher. Cade said he felt like he never really had a vacation at all.

On another topic they really are moving. The house is officially for sale. They even had some people come to look at the place while the kids were there. They haven't bought a new place yet but have an eye on one place and are just waiting to sell the house they are in. I wonder if Sean's name will be on the next house they buy. They didn't do it last time because of the divorce. They will have moved three times in three years and bought two homes. It seems a bit excessive to me. Happiness by relocation syndrome. Never works though, you always take yourself with you where ever you go. I am not even going to think about how this will make waves in the pick up and drop off routine. Sean can think about all that. I have no plans on changing anything. Speaking of changes I was about to sign the papers on Friday for the whole court stuff. Sean has until April first to pay what he owes and the divorce as far as custody is staying the same. If Sean doesn't pay then the lawyers fees will be added on to what he owes. I am too tired to care right now. Right now my only focus is on playing with the kids and Monday and Tuesday to be focused on getting my school work done for the week.

We made apple crisp today. It's time to go sample it...:)


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