Tuesday, January 11, 2011


There is supposed to be a big storm tomorrow. I am almost looking forward to it. No one is very sick. I have supplies. I have no where to be other than home. It might be nice. Except shoveling of course. The boys are hoping for a snow day. Sofie would still have to go to school. No snow days here. Cade would go to school here. All the middle school kids always go "back to island school" on snow days and "help out" the little kids. It is kind of amazing actually since they all just do it on their own and now it's like a tradition.

Sean finally got back to me. He is going to just stick to his two weekends but not in a row. I am thinking if he stays calm for a while we might be able to make a deal for every other weekend. Two weekends in a row stresses them out. I think it stresses "the mean witch" too...:) We'll see. Sofie is still adamant about not wanting to go. I had hoped Sean would call or something. In his email he said he would call last night but he didn't. He even said he hoped Sofie didn't have bronchitis. It wasn't like I made it up. I told him about her antibiotics and special inhaler. I am very glad I kept them home. I always waffle and feel bad but I know Cade and Sofie would have never been given their meds properly if I hadn't.

I was able to get my project done with little incident this week for my web class. I am getting a little better. I have a lot of reading to do tomorrow. I need to review. I was really happy it was so "easy" this time. The classes are harder than last semester. I hope I can focus better now that the holidays are over and I am starting to feel better.

I am working today. Babysitting. It has been few a far between to be able to do that this winter so far. M cleaning job has been once a week so money is very tight. I think, maybe someone out there knew I was going to have sick kids and be sick myself and be dealing with Connor's issue and took work off my stress list. Maybe this same someone helped to make the courts make Sean pay to help make up for that financial loss. I am thinking I am probably going to be breaking even in the long run and with my classes still moving forward. I am going to just be optimistic and say I wasn't given more than I could handle. Enough to be uncomfortable but not enough to break me....yet.


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