Monday, January 3, 2011

No Motivation

Here is one of those days when you have to do stuff you don't want to do. Well, everyday is like that I suppose but I mean one of those days when it's harder to do because you have zip for motivation.

I slacked off with my school work last week. I did all my reading which was a good thing but I have one class where I haven't done my project yet. I am a bit nervous about that because I still feel I don't know what I am doing. I have my class tonight and I am sure I will feel more confident afterwords but it is due tomorrow and I haven't started yet. I have all day today and tomorrow to figure it out though so I am not freaking out yet. I am also not stressing over it as I go over it a little then go off and do something else when I start to feel anxious. When I go back I feel much better and more focused.

I have other stuff to do as well. I have to call Connor's school, fill out paperwork for Cade to go away on a weekend school trip, all the housework, bottles and cans for the island school, the list goes on. I am keeping my own school stuff on the top of the list though. Focus...focus...


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