Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Brain Stuffed

The school social worker finally called me back today. I told her about my conversation with Connor and she agreed with me about the red flags and hitting a lot of the markers for depression. We have our appointment with the principal for the last Monday of this month. We are also going to meet with her this Friday after his appointment with the doctor. I am hoping we can get his work and bring it home and go over it together so I can evaluate where he is at. You should have seen his blank look when I asked him subject by subject what he was doing so far. He drew a huge blinking "huh" look. He has no clue. The only thing he could remember was his Wellness class and one book in English. Not good. Anyway, for me that is number two on the list of worries. Well, three. One is getting Connor on track mentally. Two, how to deal with this concerning Sean. I haven't spoken to Sean about any of this yet. I am sure he has checked Connor's school attendance. Well, since he is mad at Connor maybe not. Let's say he has, I have no idea what might be going though his mind about all this. He had NO clue how bad Connor was in October. As it stands I have Sean's consent for Connor to see his family doctor, his counselor and the pdoc connected to his case on referral. I am sticking with that. I want to get him evaluated and have all that in hand before I fill Sean in on everything. I don't dare risk him interfering and blocking medical treatment like he did last time. If it comes down to meds then that will be something new so that will need to be talked over. I am not doing anything I haven't really done before so far so I am crossing my fingers and hoping for the best. Today Connor seems happy. He is again in his coping thing with his guitar. He has learned a few songs and it is giving him a boost of accomplishment. He is taking some vitamin D now as well. I hope that helps him some. Another thing to discuss with the doctor.


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