Sunday, October 17, 2010

Live and Learn

I don't get sick enough to have had to have taken penicillin enough times to remember all the side effects. Yes, I did read the pamphlet the drugstore included with the medicine. Take with food was not on the label and I was too tired at 4am to remember. I was so nauseous this morning I really thought I was going to hurl. I really, really didn't want to do that. I did not want to have what was left of my painkiller in the toilet and not in me. I am feeling a bit better now but dizzy and queasy. Tired too. I just love this. I have the kids coloring. I really don't care at the moment that they are fighting over the moon. Aiden says it has to be round and Sofie says it doesn't have to be. Cade was smart and ran away to the upstairs.

I need a nap.


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