Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Pain

I nearly went to the hospital last night. I had been having pain in my head for a few days but last night it was so intense I couldn't speak or move. It passed and I took probably too much Tylenol and ibuprofen but it was there but not so bad I wanted to die. It came back again but less intense and in waves all night. I had a sneaking suspicion it was my tooth. When I was pregnant with Sofie I lost part of my tooth. A nifty pregnancy side affect. The dentist Sean spoke to about it (since we didn't have one at the time thanks to Sean's stalling) told him since I was pregnant they didn't want to touch me basically until after I had the baby. I felt fine so I went with it. Now, I think I was pretty stupid and he probably didn't even talk to a real dentist. We didn't have dental insurance even though they offered it at his work. He was working at the time but simply because he didn't apply for it. I begged and pleaded with him to do it since I couldn't but he never did. After Sofie was born I told him it hurt and I wanted to go to the dentist. He told me he would get the insurance then call. Of course then he went into his downward spiral of depression and bipolar madness. Once he left I called the dentist the kids regular physician recommended. I had done that much before he left. After he left though I didn't have him telling me no and that the kids didn't need a dentist. I got us all appointments and paid for them myself. Later on when he was told he had to pay his portion of the bills he was furious and demanded to be told of appointments ahead of time or he wouldn't pay. I am still waiting for some of his portion of those bills. Anyway, I got a crown and was told it may or may not take. The damage was pretty deep and almost to the nerve. I had hoped it was ok since that was done almost 2 years ago. I noticed some sensitivity to cold over the week but since I was preoccupied with my cold it was not a top priority. So last night when the pain hit I thought, ear infection? Sinus infection? My tooth? Since usually your jaw and tooth area usually don't hurt with the other things I was going to go with that. Of course this happens on a weekend. Figures. I called the dentist office today and got the machine and an emergency number. Do I call it? There are times I feel perfectly fine, then the other times I want to rip my head off and chuck it in the ocean. After another round of killer pain I called. After a nice chat, my dentist, who is very nice by the way and I won't change from him even though Sean wants me to (all money stuff), he is calling in a prescription for an anti-biotic and pain killers. I nearly cried with joy. He didn't want me to have to come in to see him if the problem is what he suspects since there wouldn't be anything he could do today anyway other then the prescriptions. So next week I will see him to verify his suspicions. Then we will go from there. From there means the damage was indeed too severe and the root is damaged. Hence the incredible pain from a dying nerve ending. I will have to have a root canal that I will have to pay for myself. Yippie. Just what I wanted. Another large bill. So, Will is going into town today anyway and is going to pick up the scripts and ship it to me. Thank God. I can only imagine going fetal in pain on the ferry and not being able to tell anyone it will pass in a little bit. I can see EMT's and a lot of hassle for nothing coming my way. Not to mention I have the kids again this weekend. Cade was up the past two nights coughing his brains out. Sofie is coughing too. I called Sean yesterday and asked him what he wanted to do. I didn't want to take them out in the freezing pouring rain. Cade had missed school that day too. He said he wasn't going to be home today anyway so they should stay home and rest. Cade talked to him and I could tell he was worried about his dad's reaction to him not coming. I told Cade he shouldn't feel guilty for being sick. It happens to everyone. I personally would rather be suffering alone but what can you do?

Two bits of good news though. I am getting a new island car soon. I have to figure out where to put the old one. The new one isn't "new" but it runs and that's better than nothing. Plus it is free. Second, I got an email from the lawyer yesterday. It was a response to one Sean had sent him saying he didn't agree with the child support agreement but he was going to cancel the court date for the end of the month and "revisit" the issue in mediation in December. I don't know what he is planning but as long as things don't change for now that's fine with me. Maybe by then Connor will be here half the time. We'll see.

I will have to keep suffering with this pain until 4pm. It comes and goes thank goodness.


Anonymous said...

Goodness, I hope the meds are helping! It's nice to have a dentist you trust and who trusts you - I've been with the same one for over 25 years and I'm hoping he never retires! It must be hard to live on an island - I'm thinking you don't have a drug store on every corner like we do in Phoenix, but it must be very beautiful (I'm remembering the picture Will took with his new camera). Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
- Daisy in AZ

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