Sunday, December 19, 2010

I caught Sofie's cold. Here I was thanking the stars above I never got "really" sick with that stomach bug that hit the kids last week other than one nasty day and a few other days were I felt a little tired. Last night I began sniffing. This morning I am a leaky faucet and so very sleepy. I was feeling pretty good yesterday morning though. Which is a good thing since I just got a job cleaning two houses that are being rented by FEMA loggers while they are out here on the island. Cleaning up after all those men though isn't exactly easy. They leave for the weekends so I was at one house for about four hours yesterday which wasn't too bad. I was there while Sofie was at school on Friday for 2 hours just doing dishes and cleaning counter tops. Seriously. It will help me get through the winter though. I am not babysitting for a while. Lobster season is over for the mom I work for and she is training now for another job so until she is done with that I am out of work too. Luckily when I do babysit again I can still do the cleaning while the kids are at school so I don't have to pick jobs.

I took some cold medicine a little while ago so I am feeling a little better and I am now online doing some school work. I didn't do anything yesterday and I am a bit behind. I was supposed to take Cade in for a therapy session tomorrow but if I still feel lousy I will cancel and just do homework all day instead. I have court on Tuesday and I can't miss that. I can't do any school work that day either because I have to take the morning boat to make the 1:15 court time. It stinks I couldn't take the noon but I don't control court times. I will do my Christmas shopping instead. I went to goodwill last week and I have the dollar store to go to next. I got some money from an island charity just for the kids so I will get them all something nice. I would use my laptop in town but the battery is dead. I need to buy a new one since the one I have now won't hold a charge and finding outlets is pretty tricky. I will need to get everything finished by tomorrow.

Wish me luck for Tuesday and that Sean gives up. I pray he just goes away. Once and for all. I would love to live a mentally ill free life for a little while.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you have caught the cold - usually my daughter comes home for Christmas with what we call "the Christmas cold." I just push chicken noodle soup until she gets better. She had the sniffles last night on the phone so she's right on schedule, too.

I visit here often and wish you the very best. You'd think at my age, I'd be able to share some insightful comments - I do think you're doing a great job and coping very well. My husband's family is from Wells and they were always dependent on the weather and the tourists - Maine is so beautiful, but I know it can be tough, too. I just think you are an amazing young woman and a terrific mom.

I hope your court date goes well and that you feel better fast. I know you are pushing yourself - take care of you, too! You are in my thoughts.
- Daisy from AZ

Anonymous said...

I couldn't let Christmas Eve pass without a visit. I hope your court date went well on Tuesday and that your cold is better. Have a safe and happy Christmas with your children! Best wishes to you!
- Daisy in AZ

Carol said...

I have never known anyone who is as good at cobbling together jobs to make ends try to meet--I'm glad you got another source of funds!!!! I hope you feel better soon, and I hope you aren't getting clobbered by that big blizzard--but I suspect that you are--take care of yourself...

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