Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Getting Back in the Groove

Classes for my next semester start today. I am trying to get back into the feel of studying again even after only a week or so off. It will be interesting with things being so busy with Christmas coming up and all the extra appointments this month. I am going to do my best not to stress out about it.

Today Sofie is still feeling under the weather. She has stopped throwing up but it could be because she isn't eating. She has a slight fever and she is now saying her throat hurts. Tomorrow all the other moms who could watch her are also going into town t so I am in a pinch again. Will said he may take the day to be with her if she isn't better. He has college applications he has to fill out and can get all of that done. The boys didn't do any chores at all yesterday and I suppose I should be annoyed about that but things got sidetracked when Connor asked me questions for an interview he needed in is healthy living class. It was about any bad experiences I have had with drugs and alcohol. I have lived a pretty dull life so I didn't have much to say. I did recount a few things but I really had to think and scrape the bottom of the barrel. I had them all laughing though. In the course of it all Connor mentioned how his dad drinks every single night now. He didn't seem thrilled about that. Connor did say his dad isn't getting drunk every night however as far as he can tell but he was drunk a quite a few times in the three months Connor was there. Connor said his dad throws up every time. Ahh, memories. Connor also said he knew about the moving plan to Bath since they were talking about it while he was still there. I didn't ask him but I now that I think about it I wonder what that would have meant for Connor if he was still living with Sean? That would have meant changing schoosl unless Sean was willing to pay the out of district tuition for Connor to stay where he is. I also wonder if that was another reason Connor came home? I will have to ask I suppose. Anyway, back to to school work. At least with Sofie sick she is immobile. Easy to take care of but she is driving me crazy by not eating. At least she is drinking well.


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