Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I forgot I was going to post some more of my winning banner for stories I have written. So I will go backwards from the one I have had stuck at the bottom of the page for some time. Yeah, me!

Ok, it's been a few days since my last post. I am shocked I am even doing this one. I have been busy. Will is full blown sick now and sounds like he has a lighter version of what I had. He coughed so hard two nights ago he threw up. Connor is home today. He has a sore throat and is exhausted. I am hoping he will shake it off quickly. Tomorrow is a shorts day at school so the boys will be home instead of spending more time on the boat and waiting for the boat than in school. I managed to wrangle a help/help job for Connor so he will hopefully get off my back about money. I have a friend who mows lawns and she fell and sprained her ankle. A deal was struck where he does the mowing and gets half the money and she drives him around and pays for the gas. He lifts the mower and all that stuff so she stays off her ankle and she doesn't lose her lawns to someone else. He has earned $45 so far. Hopefully he will feel well enough to get a lot done tomorrow. As for me, Will is going to do my babysitting job and I will let him have the money for that so I can clean the two houses I need to do by Friday, then I am going to help the friend I mentioned earlier do some of her houses and get half of that as well. Today I as leaving a little early to run up to the library and get some of that stuff done I have to email out to the book selection committee. I will be there all day on Saturday getting it ready to open. I have class tonight and Thursday then I have the final written test so Sunday is going to be my study day. That is the plan. Sofie is looking like she is going to throw a wrench in those plans though. Her cough is all day now and now just at night. On Thursday I have to take Cade into town for his therapy session, pick up his new glasses and pick up Sofie's prescription vitamins. I think I will try and get her seen as well. I need to get more cold medicines (which is draining me of funds) and get some more juice and milk. I am still coughing myself but not as bad. The mornings are real bad and the congestion is awful but compared to how I felt even last week I am happy. Sleeping at night is still hit or miss and I ran out my nighttime medicine last night. *sigh*

Today, I did some weeding while it was cool outside (it's almost 90 now) and cleaned out a huge tub I use for outdoor toys. It was nasty. I also hooked up the hose for the first time this year, feed the kids some popcicles, fed the birds, made hummingbird food and hung it out, picked up random stuff that had been blown around, swept the deck (the lawn was mowed yesterday), washed three loads of laundry, dried and folded two, one if hanging and drying, then came inside because it was getting hot. I hate the heat. Then I fed the kids, mine and my "client" (ha ha) and balanced the PTC funds while the little one played an alphabet game on the computer. I have kept everyone juiced up and medicated and have washed dishes about four times already today. I didn't eat breakfast until 10am I was so busy and now I am eating a light lunch. Thank goodness dinner is provided at class. I have leftovers in the fridge for the kids.

Cade had his step up day for middle school today. I only found out yesterday it was today. It was scheduled for the 28th but then they didn't contact me or the teacher the date had changed...again. They had already changed it three times before this. It was pure luck a teacher from another island school called Cade's teacher and told him. We were not pleased that the middle school dropped the ball and only left us out of the loop. I have angry phone calls to make now. I had a PTC meeting yesterday at the school and we had to plan the end of year ceremony and Cade's graduation. I have to find his picture around here somewhere. They put it on the cake. This time of year is SO stressful. All the summer people coming out make things busy here. Not to mention the work increases which is a good and bad thing. Not a good time to be sick. Not at all.


Carol said...

I sure hope your little princess is all better...and that you are enjoying a wonderful weekend...

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