Tuesday, May 18, 2010


For some silly reason I am feeling skittish. I have class tonight and even though I feel well enough not to cough in everyone's faces and have zippo for confidence that I will do well. I don't have any tests to make up or anything but I know I am behind in practical stuff. I am tired just thinking about it.

I asked Connor to do two chores last night. Bring the trash barrels back to the house from the road and put the clean laundry away. I reminded him three times. I got up this morning and neither was done. I am so disappointed in him and lacking confidence he will do a good job watching his sister while I am at class.

No word from Sean about the money issue. I am not holding my breath.

Cade seems more relaxed now that he hasn't seen his dad in over a month. Bad thing? Good thing?

Still feeling a little weepy from yesterday. Too many thoughts in my brain. I guess I had better clean something to forget.

I need a cup of tea and my school workbook. Yuck. Oh and the cost of city trash bags went from $7.50 a bag to $10 a bag...a bag of five. To hell with the ten pound limit then...good god.


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