Tuesday, May 4, 2010

More Weekend

I never did say how Sofie's weekend went. I have no real idea anyway. She was of course brought back dirty. I can live with that. It's only a couple of days. The cut on her thumb from Sean razor? I wasn't thrilled with that. He knew how bad it was because he called ahead to make sure I had neosporin for it. He never does that. Then he called on Monday as well to check up on her thumb and ask if her cough was ok and if her rash was better. I guess he had decided to put all his eggs in one basket and name it Sofie. I was in town taking Cade to his appointments and he called Cade's cell phone (I use that when I am in town). He thinks it's Connor's number. He knows perfectly well not to call him at school and that he has another number. Anyway, he said he would call back that night to talk to Sofie. He didn't. I never expected him to. Sofie said Sean was yelling over the weekend. She copied him so she was really screaming. I asked her if she got scared. She usually does with loud noises but she said she wasn't because he was yelling at the other girl. He made her cry apparently.

I'm still sick and very tired. I am working today and dragging. I don't think I am going to make it to class tonight. I did study though.


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