Thursday, November 18, 2010


Why am I posting today when I should be in town cooling my heels waiting for a therapy session for Connor with Sean? Well, yesterday I took all the kids to the dentist. Good news is, no cavities. Bad news is, Connor will need to see a specialist about two of his back teeth which have the gums growing over them because they grew in crooked. He may need rear braces for those two teeth otherwise in a few years he could have bone damage and need to have them pulled. I can't wait to tell Sean about that. Connor seemed ok with it though so that was fine with me. Anyway, I had all the kids with me which was nice and we went to the store to pick up a few things. Will and Cade stayed in the car while I had Sofie with me and Connor came along. He said he was coming home for good today. I kind of blinked. I asked him about his session and he said he wasn't going. I asked him if he had talked with his dad about all of this and he said no. I sighed in my mind. I told him he really should and that the session would be a great place to do that. He is of course still angry with his dad for how he went about scheduling it. I can't force him to go since he will get zip for benefit out of it. I learned this the hard way (and not just with him but his father and brothers as well) so I didn't push it at all. He asked me if I would call Frank to cancel and I said no. I said his dad was the one who scheduled it and his dad was the one who demanded to take over that aspect of Connor's care so I was going to leave that responsibility to his father. This was again another subtle hint on my part for him to speak with his dad about the issue but also this is something Sean needs to go through and deal with. I told Connor if he wasn't going to go then I was going to stay home and work. He said again he refused to go so that was that. I asked him if everything went ok when he got back to his dad's on Monday and he said it didn't. He didn't elaborate and I didn't pry further. He will tell me when he is ready. He did say that Kathryn exploded on him about him not putting a glass in the dishwasher. So, she has gone up from lectures to yelling. She then refused to talk to him the rest of the day and glared at him whenever he got near. I know she has done this with Cade in the past and it is one reason why Sean wanted her in therapy with Cade. Connor just said he was done, all done with it there. He was worried about getting his stuff back here without them noticing. I am expecting the next few weeks to be awful tense for sure. He said he was going to do a secret commando mission to bring as much of his cd's and clothes as he could without anyone figuring it out then coming home here straight from school. I told him he will need to let his dad know where he is or he will worry. Connor said once he is physically here he will call him and deal with it then. Otherwise he is afraid his dad will try and force him to stay. I said nothing. I will let them work this out. Legally Sean can't do that. Speaking of legally all hell is going to break loose now. I see one of two things happening, Sean will cave and drop everything or it's going to be a nasty escalation next month in court. I am going to continue to let the chips fall for now and call my lawyer after the holidays to schedule a meeting to discuss what we are going to do for the court date already scheduled for December 21st. Connor being back home will change things a bit. I won't have to pay Sean child support at least. After that...who knows? I am not going to count any chickens yet.

Sofie woke up with a 100.8 fever this morning. She was crying about her knees and her arm hurting. I figured it was an early morning growing pains thing since her ankle hurt last night too. I gave her some medicine and she fell back to sleep. I didn't wake her back up for school thinking when she got up and was fine I would just take her in a little late but when she woke up she had the fever. She still has it and has been in my bed all day sleeping off and on. It came out of no where. Most of my plans got wiped for the day since I have been massaging her legs a good part of the day. I am glad I didn't have to go in after all. I am just now taking a quick break to do some school work and make an update before she wakes up again.

Keep your fingers crossed for Connor today and his great escape across the Berlin wall.


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