Sunday, November 21, 2010

Stealing Round Two

I heard desperation in his voice. I almost felt bad.

Sean called today and asked me if Cade had any money. I said he did. He had earned some ($10) working with Will the week before and had a little left over from before that although I wasn't sure of the exact amount was at least $5. He hemmed a bit but I refused to ask why he was calling me about it. Then he said how $15 dollars was missing from there and how Cade had $5 and that Sean knew for a fact Cade also had a $10 bill he was hiding from him. In Sean's mind Cade hiding money means he stole it. I didn't point out how all the boys hide money from him and have done so since he was living here afraid he would steal it no matter how small the amount. I didn't want to make things worse because I could tell Sean was about to accuse Cade of stealing again. I tried not to let my mind wander to the fact that now that Connor isn't there to protect Cade from things like this it is happening again. I also tried not to think about the timing of all this. Sean said he didn't know what to do. I told him Cade did indeed have a $10 bill. Why he was hiding it from him I couldn't answer. The $5 could be the amount he had from before but again I couldn't verify that either although I can verify he had more than the $10 he had earned working. I pointed out that since Cade had money of his own Sean couldn't prove Cade took anything. If Sean searched all his things and came up with $15 plus his own money then he would have proof. I also pointed out that since the last time Sean accused Cade of stealing no money has gone missing here from anyone and didn't before either. I told him to really think twice about accusing Cade of something he couldn't prove otherwise things could get messy again. I will discuss this with Cade when he gets home but I already have a headache thinking about the whole thing. I think money is missing and Kathryn is pressuring Sean about it and the scapegoat is Cade. So, that is why I don't feel bad about Sean sounding desperate and asking me what he should do. He has to be feeling pressured to ask me for advice to begin with. This is out of my control. Knowing that helps a lot. I need to think of how to comfort Cade when he gets home I just know right now he is going to hell and back.


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