Saturday, November 20, 2010

I spell it my way....

Sofie likes changing her name. She was Annabell last week. Elizabeth on Monday and has been Jeannie the rest of the week.

Sofie: Mumma! Guess what I can do?

Me: What?

Sofie: S. O. F. I. E.

Me: You can spell your name?

Sofie: Yep. Jeannie!


Anonymous said...

This is such a cute story, I love it! Your little Sofie is such a darling and sweet child! I am touched when I read about her love for her brothers and theirs for her. You are raising good children.

When my son was 3, I heard him introduce himself to some new friends as "Bobby" - his real name isn't even close! Then he introduced himself to other people as "Chris" - still not even close! A friend told me not to worry, that trying out different names is a sign of intelligence - well, that was good, right? Anyway, around 5 or 6, he settled on his real name. Incidentally, the friend was right - Bobby-Chris-whatever grew up to go on to college, graduate and get his masters: he's a computer systems engineer (kind of a mixture of computer science and electrical engineering, as near as I can figure); I don't understand what he does but he's happy and that's what matters to me. Maybe Sofie will be an engineer!

Take care - Daisy in AZ

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