Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day Off

I have a real day off today. Sofie is getting a little better everyday but still has a lingering cough. She was crying last night before bed missing Connor. She said she only had two brothers now. I tried to reassure her but then she went off saying she hated the mean witch and the two brats and went back and forth from saying she hated her dad, she didn't have a dad and we needed to bring him back and away from "the mean people". I think she was over tired.

I got the "new" car yesterday. The brakes are really bad but work. The car is also filthy inside. I will try and clean it up a little every day so I don't cry looking at it. It's better than nothing. I hope it survives the winter.

Will and Cade are out today working on the island tennis court cleaning it up for the tennis club. The pull up the lines and take down the net. Cade is excited Will asked him to help and will be paid. Will had today off from lobstering because the weather is bad. He only worked half a day yesterday because the water was too rough. I babysat a short day yesterday as well since the mom had to come in too because of the weather. She laughing said she though she might die that day. They were hauling by the bluffs, which is on the other side of the island with high cliffs. She hauls with her husband and she had to tell him the were going to hit the cliffs if he didn't stop. He is a newbie captain. Will said they went off to a different island and it was real rough out there and his boss said he was done. Getting off the punt Will fell in the water and went in thigh high in the ocean. He said, "It wasn't as cold as I thought it was going to be." He's fine though. A warm shower and a hot meal was all it took.


Anonymous said...

I had to laugh out loud at your pie chart! Two engineers I raised on Lego sets so you can imagine the pieces were everywhere as they were growing up. One house had blue carpet - "Lego-blue" I called it because the little blue bricks were so hard to find. And, yes, like most mothers, I've stepped on my share, especially in the dark! Looking back, those were good days although my poor feet would disagree.
Going out on the boat is tough, hard work. I don't think most people appreciate the fisherman or the strong Maine work ethic. Your Will sounds like a fine young man; it's nice that he and Cade can spend time working together.
It's such a difficult time for little Sophie to understand. Your love will give her strength. Take care of yourself, too.
- Daisy in Arizona

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