Thursday, March 18, 2010

The other half lives well huh? Looks like such a nice spot for a nap...*sigh*

Been trying to study today but life happens and gets in the way. Still, I am doing my best and I feel kinda ok about tonight. I will just review because most of the stuff if I don't know by now, well...*shrug*.

I am more concerned about my lack of concentrations skills at the moment. I have a headache and it's getting in the way. I am also nervous about dropping my van off tomorrow. I have a lot of balls to juggle and I have to ask for rides and I hate doing that. Not to mention it's swim day and drop off day for Cade and Sofie. I am still wondering how I am going to manage everything and get some food as well. Ack.

No word from Sean. I hope this stealing nonsense is over. Cade is overtly ok but Sean caused some damage again and the whole level of trust and respect went down a few more notches. Who knew it could go down more huh?

I am having some lunch then it's nap time for the sprouts and I will try and squeeze in a shower. I have a sore throat too and it should help. I hope I am not catching something. I have been outside a lot the past few days.

Wish me luck!


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