Saturday, March 20, 2010


Day was good until this afternoon hit. Friend came by for extra banana boxes for bottles and cans and that was how I found out it was happening. Connor was on the phone and I had made the mistake of thinking it was canceled for today but it wasn't. I threw on some crap clothes and grabbed Sofie and we hitched a ride to help out. Cade was home and I didn't bother to ask him to come. He had already done a lot for me today like going to the store and did all chores I asked of him without complaint. I was very happy with him. I also felt I was asking a lot of him to begin with after yesterday. I was glad he wasn't ripping our heads off to get rid of stress.

I get home and Connor asks for money. He was in a good moos since he went for a walk and I spoiled it by saying no. He said he had helped me watch the little kids the other day. I said I had asked him to help so I could study and wound up doing it myself anyway. He said he made them lunch. I said true but not worth the $15 he was asking for, besides he didn't make Aiden lunch it was already made. Connor only gave it to him. Then Connor asked for $5. I told him no again. He owes me money and until he pays me he gets nothing.

I asked Cade to go get his bike from the store and bring it home. He had rode it down but walked the items I asked for home to be safe. It was very thoughtful. When he came home he was in tears. He said his teacher was canceling a end of year sleep over Cade has been begging for for three years and was to be his graduation present bc he didn't come to bottles and cans today. I am angry and feel bad at the same time. Now I have to air all this crap again to the teacher. I was the one who told Cade not to come. Sean was the one who caused Cade to get so upset to begin with. Connor's selfishness was the reason we were late. If Cade is the one who winds up facing a consequence because this I am going to lose my temper. As I write this I really want to shake someone.


Carol said...

I struggle with similar issues with DH--things are always happening because he forgets things, and I always end up toeing the line as to what to tell people about anything. I hate the thought of being forced to share information about my family that should not need to be shared. The same thing happens with DD--and sometimes both of them at once. I know what you mean.

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