Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mice and Theives

Now that the rain has returned so have the mice. It's so bizarre. I have never had to deal with mice problems like this before I moved to the island. Anyway, ok, we see a mouse. No big deal. Set the traps and wait. The problem is all my traps are missing. The ones in the kitchen and the ones in my room. Where did they go? Did the mice (which are big enough to be moles) drag them off? Four traps gone. Not to mention I baked two loaves of bread last Thursday and one went missing. Seriously. I had it cooling on a rack on the stove and when I got home from class it was gone. The kids claimed to have not eaten it and were quite upset about it because they love fresh bread and they didn't get any. The next morning my pants and bra went missing. I found the pants upstairs under Connor's bed when I KNEW I had folded them and put them in my closet. My bra was sitting in the middle of the bathroom floor. ???????? I am either losing my mind or maybe Sofie is playing some kind of game. Well, I managed to find one trap under the tv stand and it is now baited and waiting. I am watching the mouse as I type inching toward the peanut butter goodness and I can only hope he goes for it. We never found the bread...


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