Saturday, September 25, 2010


Got an email from Sean. Did he have Cade call back when I called? No. Now he emails to ask me if Cade and spend an extra day and that he will drive Cade to school on Monday and Cade can call me if want. Why? For the first time...EVER...Sean got Cade a decent birthday present. He is taking Cade to see Clinton speak tomorrow. Cade loves all presidents and this is a rare opportunity. Is this what bothers me? No. I am happy Cade has this chance. Why I am mad was the email itself. Sean said he "didn't realize" the speech was on Sunday. He "thought" it was today. I am mad because I am so angry that he still thinks I am going to buy his bs. How stupid does he think I am? He knew perfectly well when this was. He waited until Cade was there and knew about it first. Sean knows I wouldn't let Cade miss this chance and would say yes. He didn't tell me before hand because I am sure because I have insisted in the past that we stick to the schedule and I would say no unless it was an emergency. Still, he should have told me first. I would have said yes for Cade's sake and because it is his birthday. On top of that once Cade knew and if I said no Cade would be bitterly disappointed and who would be taking the blame for it? Me. I am sick of Sean's lies, games and manipulation. I called to speak with Sean and he didn't answer...again. Later Cade called and he asked if he could stay. According to him it was Kathryn who set it up because she has a family member who is part of his staff. So in the end Sean was not the one who did this for Cade. Also, we agreed in mediation that if Cade had an after school activity he could choose to stay with his dad instead of coming home so he wouldn't have such a long day but that we would bring it up in therapy and see what he thought of it and how we could try it out. Now with this, Cade will have his dad drive him school before we even have had a chance to talk about this in therapy. Sean bulldozing his way yet again. I am so mad....and I am a little sad to not see Cade tomorrow. We had plans for his birthday. It was bad enough he wasn't home for it today.

“Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are a good person is a little like expecting a bull not to attack you because you are a vegetarian”

Dennis Wholey


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