Sunday, September 5, 2010

Shock and blindness

Connor came home yesterday. No warning, so I was very surprised. I was in my room trying not to rub my eyes. I had taken a claritin because my eyes were itching, red and swollen when there was a quiet tap at my door. I thought Will had come home from his friends house but it was Connor who peeped in. Stunned I asked him why he was here. Smooth huh? He laughed at me and said he was going to stay the weekend for my birthday. He is going back on Monday afternoon but it's still nice he is here. Of course no sooner did he say he was going to be here for the weekend he said he was going to spend the night at his friends house. I wanted to laugh. Since he has been gone most of the summer and his summer friends here don't go to school in town for him to see everyday I told him it was ok. He came home this morning, showered and puttered here for a bit and was gone again. I asked him yesterday if he had his calculator and he shook his head no and I just smiled at him. He then said, "You know where it is don't you?" I nodded and he smiled back completely embarrassed. He knew I knew he had been trying to string me along and he also knew I hadn't a planned on letting him know. I gave it to him and told him he would have to get batteries for it himself. He thanked me and agreed. Hopefully he will at least come home for weekends but he is still in his swing phase. I have noticed it has taken him a much shorter time to come home than Sean was making it seem like. I did find out Connor hasn't written his essay for school yet like he told me. I had emailed Sean a while ago and told him Connor had said he had written it and I wanted to read it. Now they both are telling me he hasn't done it yet. Lies...gotta love them. I just shrugged at Connor and told him it was his grade not mine but I still would be interested in reading what he had to say. Connor said ok. I doubt I will ever see it. He told his dad he would write it while he was here. Yeah, I don't see that happening. I am backing off big time. Connor has to deal with the consequences of his mistakes and I am not going to enable him or bail him out any more. He will be very angry with me which is going to hurt me like heck and I feel sick just thinking about it but there you have it. I am going to go and rest my red eyes now....


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