Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Where are you?!

I really, really, really didn't want to go to town yesterday. It was wet and rainy. I was tired from sneezing half the night. I didn't want to drag Sofie around and have her miss her nap but Cade had therapy scheduled and we needed some things for the house. I did the shopping and waited for Cade outside of school to pick him up for his appointment. He didn't show up. I called. Phone wasn't on. I called Will. His phone went straight to voice mail. I drove to the bay lines but the boat had left. I assumed he had taken the bus and forgot about me waiting for him like the last time. I was able to get him off the boat that time. At least I hoped that is what happened. I was finally able to get a hold of him and he was on the boat but I didn't know for sure until that moment. I really told him how worried I was and how I had even reminded him the night before and left him a note that morning. He STILL forgot. I went to town for really nothing. I could have gone shopping another day. I missed out on a work day as well. Well, he apologized and I hadn't punished him last time but this time I took away tv privileges for a week. He wasn't very happy but I doubt his therapist was either.

On a good note, my babysitting job is on again. The mom isn't having surgery after all. I am happy about that. Of course today their boat broke down and they will be out to fix it the rest of the week. *sigh*


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