Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I don't wanna go either...

So, here is the cake I made Cade. Lemon cake with butter cream frosting, chocolate jimmies, covered in army men. There are 10 white candles and one large candle in the middle that plays happy birthday. It isn't fancy but he got a kick out of it. Will got him a giant jawbreaker the size of a small cantaloupe. Will really knows his brother well. Sofie got him glow in the dark bracelets and a case for his cell phone (dollar store). I gave him a new winter coat which was given to me for him. It was only lightly used. He couldn't even tell the difference. So all in all we really spent very little this year. Of course my big thing will be taking him to the fair this year. He is free to get in still but I will have to pay for gas, food and rides. Will said he will pay for some ride tickets for him since they would be going together. I was feeling pretty good about it. Will and I had considered splitting the cost to get him an mp3 player. A shuffle isn't too expensive if we split it. In the end I thought he might lose it at school. I thought we would wait and see how he handles the cell phone and if he could keep that and not have it stolen or lose it I would get him one for xmas. When Cade got home he showed me his dad had gotten him one. Good thing I hadn't bought it. Sean is spending money left and right on Cade and Connor. Not Will or Sofie though. He is trying to buy them off so they will live with him. Well, I can't do that and I am not even going to try. I was happy to be able to to what I did and Cade seemed happy too.

I had my first classes yesterday. They went well. It was really interesting. I was glad to see I wasn't the only one who hadn't seen the assignment for one of the classes. Some people still hadn't seen it and were quite worried. I finished mine Sunday but didn't turn it in until after the class. I had a question or two about it which were answered then I handed it in. So, first week, complete. Feels good. I start the whole thing over Wednesday. I won't have time today to get ahead though. I have to take the noon boat in with Sofie to take Cade to his therapy appointment. I could see Connor had been trying to influence Cade about it. Cade said yesterday, "I don't see why I have to go to therapy there's nothing wrong with me." I knew that was Connor. He said the same thing over and over (which was so obviously not true) about himself. I told Cade therapy for him was more like a class. A place for him to learn ways and tools to help him through stressful situations. A place where both of us could learn to talk to each other better and to other people and a place where he can talk to someone else besides me to bounce thoughts, feelings and ideas with. There's is nothing wrong with that or him. In fact it takes a really smart person to try and help themselves be the best person they can be. He seemed to understand that. I really was angry with Connor in my head though.

I have to go and get by backpack ready for the day. I have to walk to school and get Sofie in an hour. She finally ate breakfast today. She had a really hard time transitioning this weekend. No Cade or Connor made her cry. She was ok Sunday for the most part but she was exhausted. She fell asleep at 8pm and didn't wake up until 7am the next day. Then she wasn't really awake. She clung to her blanket. Refused to eat, wet herself in the middle of the floor. Real regressive behavior. She went on and on about the mean witch and how she wanted Connor to come home. I may have to talk to Cade's counselor briefly today about some strategies for her.


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