Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ready for Rain

It's been a drizzly past few days. It should be cool too but instead it's been muggy. Not to thrilled with this past fall so far.

Sofie is ready for the rain though. Today she had her frog raincoat and Hello Kitty umbrella. I just ran for the truck we borrowed. :)

Tonight the school kids are having their Harvest Dinner at the hall. I made pumpkin soup with two garnishes. Roasted pumpkin seeds and cinnamon sugar croutons. I also made a pumpkin cheesecake. All the parents made food from the things the kids grew all summer. It should be a fun time. I invited Connor in person when he dropped Sofie off on Sunday. I also emailed him and told his dad. I just talked to Will and he said Connor wasn't on the boat. I expected as much. He also hasn't told me if he is going to come with us this weekend to visit family and go to the fair. He knows he is welcome and it's all I can do. It makes me sad though.

I have been working hard getting my school work done before tomorrow. I did all my reading for the two classes and did all the assignments and projects. I still have to log on and comment on the discussion boards though. I feel good so far. I will need to practice more with the Word program. I just did what I had to with it before but never really explored what it could really do. I am doing that now. I never really needed to before. I got my first grades back for one class. I have 100% so far. I hope to keep it up.

I am trying to stay as stress free as possible. My stomach and congestion act up with the extra stress. I get colds so much easier when I am stressed. Last night I had a horrible headache. I have to remind myself to just do what I can and not more. I am just feeling glad I still have a job this winter no matter how little I get paid....


Anonymous said...

First of all, congratulations on your 100% - that is wonderful! The Harvest Dinner sounds inviting - I enjoy pumpkin pie and pumpkin cookies, but I've never tried pumpkin soup or cheesecake - I'm wondering if the filling is pumpkin-flavored or whether you put in a layer of pumpkin filling. Every Thanksgiving and Christmas I make cheesecake (it's kinda my signature dessert) and we all gain 5 pounds! I'm sorry about your headache - does the rainy weather trigger some of your headaches? Your little one looks so cute in her gear; my granddaughter likes "Hello Kitty," too. Hope you have a good weekend!
- Daisy in AZ

perphila said...

Thank you for the congratulations...:) Now I just have to keep it up!

For the cheesecake I made it like normal then took out one cup from the batter. I then added pumpkin puree and spices. You can use from a can or puree made fresh. Mix that up. Add the plain batter to the shell then add the pumpkin mix on top of that for a layered look. I have been thinking of doing the whole thing pumpkin. I will try that at home and see how the kids like it before I do it for a party. My cake was the first to go. I was told I should have made 2! :)
Sofie says she wants to go as Hello Kitty for Halloween now. I am sure she will change her mind a hundred times before then though.

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