Friday, September 10, 2010

Here we go again...

So, Wednesday I was able to be without the kids most of the day. I dropped Sofie off with a sitter since it wouldn't have been a good idea to bring her to my session with Sean. As far as that goes it was ok I guess. We met the new counselor and she asked some questions. I let Sean answer everything first. I didn't add much. He lied about some stuff which I was expecting but it still bugged me. I had taken two anxiety pills before I got there so not much was making me angry. I still wanted to cry at one point but didn't. The biggest thing that stood out for me was the fact when we talked about meeting again she said she couldn't do afternoons since she meets kids and has to accommodate the school schedule. Sean said he could only meet in the afternoon. She said she didn't know what to tell us. I said nothing. Then she said the only other person available was Paula (who we saw before) and she was aware we didn't want to see her. I said I personally had no problem with seeing Paula. Then Sean said he was ok with it too. I was stunned since this is what he told several people there and I was aware of that. Also one reason we had to wait so long to see this Linda person was because Sean didn't want to see Paula and set something up which would have shaved weeks off in starting this. Linda was surprised and said she thought she had heard that we had a problem with seeing Paula and that maybe she misunderstood. No. You didn't, I wanted to say. I also didn't want to be lumped in with him in her thinking I didn't want to see Paula. It just wasn't worth it to say anything. So we are supposed to get a call from Paula about meeting next Tuesday. I picked the day since I was going to be in that building anyway bringing Cade in for his session at 3pm. We have court on Wednesday and I have to bring Sofie in on the noon on Friday for swim class and then to see Sean. Lots of work being missed. I am not going to budge on times at least for next week. So therapy, maybe, maybe not.

Speaking of court I also spoke with the lawyer Wednesday. Plan is to fight Sean about Cade and Sofie as well as the insurance issue he wants me to pay him. Ask for a judgement of outstanding debt for the child support, medical bills and taxes. As for Connor I told the lawyer to let him go. I will lose child support for him which is only going to make things even harder but I figure I am not getting the money for him anyway so even if it's collected later it's doesn't matter. Maybe b the time Sean is current Connor will be back. I will lose even more child support next June when Will graduates. Maybe I will see about collecting alimony then. I have seven years from the time of the divorce. I am supposed to be getting $1 a year for now. Which btw he doesn't pay. It is interesting to note he just got a minivan for the "family". A fully loaded 2009 VW minivan. So now with that and the lexus he must be pleased. I shudder to think how much it cost. He sure is poverty stricken. I totally understand him not being able to pay a $45 dollar co-pay. Not. Anyway, I stuck him with half the cost of $15 co-pay for Wednesday. I am sure sure he thought since I am always on time and he is always late I would pay when they asked me. I told them my ex-husband was responsible. :) Anyway, Connor will just need to learn all over again about how his dad operates. Since right now Connor is too selfish to think of anything outside of his girlfriend who knows how long it will take or how much he will be willing to put up with. He is already complaining about Kathryn. To be honest not dealing with his mood swings (Connor's) will be a nice breather. Of course it will get worse this winter. Let Sean deal with it and when things fall apart then we'll see. I am doing my best to detach myself but it is so hard. You brace yourself and expect to lose your kids when they are 18 and graduate so you are at least mentally prepared. Connor just woke up one day and left pretty much. All I can do now is pray, and cry. I cry a lot.

I have been on the phone with my college advisor most of the day. My first two classes are Academic Strategies for the IT Professional and Software Applications. Woooo. I'm excited and nervous. I don't want to get too pumped then burn out. Slow, slow turtle slow...:) Besides I am focused in so many places at once right now. I am trying to get more organized. I bought a file cabinet and redid everything. I tossed a whole trash bag of old stuff. I had to reinstall my printer on a different tower and found a cord to connect the downstairs computer to the upstairs and only phone jack in the house. I have no idea why the wireless won't work on it. I have tried both towers and bought two different wireless parts. I need the outside kind since the towers aren't brand new. Neither worked properly. It's hard to explain and the one guy I know might be able to fix it I don't want to ask. He drives me freakin' nuts. So. I will work on it again when I am not so stressed.

I'm glad I was able to babysit at home the past few days though. How else could I have gotten so much done and still earn a little money?


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