Saturday, September 25, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Today is Cade's birthday, he is turning 11! I can't believe it. Despite all the crap he has gone through he is doing really well overall. I tried calling him today since he is visiting his dad to wish him a happy birthday but Sean didn't answer the phone. I had a feeling he wouldn't. He gets mad when I call the kids. I left a message and that's all I can do. Tomorrow I will bake a cake. Will has two presents for him and I have one from "Sofie" for him. It is a new winter coat that was given to me for him. My present will be taking him to the fair next weekend. He is still free to get in. I will have to fork over some money for rides and food though. I cringe at the thought. We haven't gone to the fair since Sofie was a newborn. So, since 2006. We all had such a great time. The kids played all kinds of games to get her little stuffed animals. Sofie was buried in her stroller by the time we left. Sean won a basketball for Cade. It was really the last time we did anything as a whole family that was fun. I emailed Connor asking him if he wants to come. I doubt he will. It's so sad to think of how much has changed and how much I feel our family has been torn apart my Sean and his mental illness. How much it has hurt the kids and the family as a whole.

Anyway, I don't want to get too down. The above picture is of our new 45 gallon fish tank. No. I did not buy it. It was given to us by a couple who are moving away from the island soon. They are older and the husband has serious breathing issues so they are moving to a place with nursing care. They thought of Will right off the bat and asked him if he wanted it. He asked me. I wasn't thrilled with the idea but he said he would do all the care for it and I agreed. He did all the care for our smaller tank (very small with only two fish) and he does what he says he will do so I agreed. If Connor way. Anywho, he set it all up yesterday so it will be a surprise for Cade and Sofie when they come home Sunday. We now have two catfish as well as our old two. We can get a couple more but we have to time it right. Getting them over here before the croak is tricky. It's a crappy pic since it was taken on the laptop and reversed. I will try and get a better one later. The tank has to be lit up all night to simulate moonlight for the catfish. It will take some getting used to. On the bright side I don't think I will need to turn on the lights at night since the tank is so bright.

So here's hoping Connor comes.....


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