Monday, July 12, 2010

The after shocks

Ok, head still hurts but not so bad. Patience is at an all time low. Got mail from my lawyer today with the stuff he sent Sean. Included was the info for the co-parenting counselor. Since I have had no word from Sean about it I called myself and left a message with the guy. I hope he is able to get back to me sometime today since I will be in town all day tomorrow. Cade has his first session with his dad tomorrow morning. Sean finally called to let Cade know he was coming. It galls me that Sean is only now talking to Cade because he wants to look good in court. I hope to god we get a judge who sees his games for what they are. On the plus side Sean is talking to Cade now no matter the motives so we'll see what happens.

I brought Sofie to work with me today and she did great. She listened to story hour nicely and said a nursery rhyme and earned an ice cream.

I am setting up my date and car pool for the last test I need to take for my EMT course to get nationally certified. I feel good about that. I will have to miss a day of work but I hope it's soon because I don't know when the dates will be for court next month.

My stress was showing today and people noticed. I was chipper but I guess "too" chipper. I don't hide things well. I wasn't snapping or anything and I felt pretty good under the circumstances but I guess I seemed a little frazzled but polite. People were great and helped out and I was thrilled Sofie was so cute and behaved today. We got a ride home too. Now Sofie and Cade are spraying each other with the hose.

I hope things get better soon.


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