Friday, July 16, 2010

No Time

No picture today. A quickie from work since I won't have time later. Still haven't heard back from Sean about the co-parenting counseling. I emailed him today (I gave him a week to respond) and told him I needed to know by 3pm today so I could call the guy. If I didn't hear from him then I would just reschedule for something next Tuesday. To be honest even though I know Sean and I need to talk via a third party I hope he bails. One, it would look bad for him. Two, I really would like an afternoon to myself, sorta, I could take Sofie to yoga class they have free here on the island on Tuesday afternoon of he doesn't answer me. I gave him the deadline because that is what the last counselor told me to do when he did stuff like this. So I am taking her advice. I said 3pm because I will need to call before I leave on the ferry this afternoon to bring Cade and Sofie in to see their dad. If he tries to tell me at the bay lines he can go I will just tell him it is too late. I think he may be balking at my request he pay for half of the babysitting I will need for Sofie that day as well as the cost to see the guy in the first place which we are ordered to split. He doesn't "have" to split the cost of babysitting for Sofie. I only asked since it seemed fair to me but I wasn't saying I wouldn't go if he didn't. *sigh*

My feet are ready to fall off. I need a moving car of some sort. I am borrowing one today and tomorrow and it has helped already. My feet were swollen and ached so bad I wanted to cry last night. I got off them around 4pm and told the kids they had to help out and fetch stuff for me. I doubt they liked it much but what can you do? I will need to make an appointment to see my doctor. I like walking but then on my feet the whole time doesn't help. So, this afternoon after the library I have to run home grab lunch and Sofie and clean a house for about an hour, get ready for the boat, check to see if Sean emailed me and call the counselor either way before we hop on the ferry. Drop the kids off, come home, then go back to the house and finish the job. It will be after 9pm by then. I had better bring a flashlight. No light on the grassy path to their house.

My feet are whimpering and I have a slight cough. I can NOT get sick right now.


Carol said...

So how many jobs do you have now....about a bazillion? :-)

I know the sense of security that multiple income streams bring.

I hope you find a way to get a car somehow....I know all of your money is going to the lawyer right now....but eventually that will be done with and things will calm in MN there are some places where a low-income person can be the recipient of a donated car, and other programs that will give you a small ($1000 or less) interest free loan if you can show that you are low income and need a car to get to work--does your area have anything like that? Maybe you should check in your Social Services office to make sure there isn't a program that can help you...

perphila said...

That is a great idea! I will see if there might be a program here. Thanks...:)

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