Friday, July 16, 2010

Grabbin' Lunch

So, I forgot I could do this while I ate. Multi-tasking is my middle name. Heard back from Sean. Therapy is a no go. He says he can't afford to pay his half of the sessions. Like I can? He asked me if I had any other ideas. What about him? Well, I called the counselor back and he confirmed he is a pay as you go guy. So we pay him then submit to insurance ourselves and get reimbursed. It's doable it would just be effort on our part to do the submitting. It all just paperwork and yes it is annoying and yes it would be frustrating and time consuming, however, if Sean was really committed to the process it could work. So, I called the lawyer and told him what happened. I guess I will do some more research. It isn't like Sean will.


Carol said...

I'm shocked.

What a stellar parent.

Following through like that will certainly get him what he wants.

perphila said...

I think he believes he is communicating with me and "working" with my by voicing his opinion. His email was pleasant and to the point but pushes the burden on to ME on making co-parenting counseling work. Since it WAS my suggestion to resolve the situation, a suggestion a judge would have made anyway, I feel as if I should be at least setting something up. *sigh*

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