Sunday, July 18, 2010

What's Next?

So, tomorrow I will email Sean and let him know, make sure he understands, the process concerning the insurance for counseling. I have to keep in mind his mental illness and how he takes in information. I am not sure he understood the counselor and all he heard was, "I don't take blue cross blue shield" and not "I don't submit bills to insurance companies. I am pay as you go and give you all the paperwork you need to submit to your insurance company yourself." Really, it would be harder on me since I am not covered under Sean's insurance. It would be cheaper for both of us if he submits the whole bill under his name and then I pay him half of the copay when he gets reimbursed. Still, I highly doubt he would be sure to let me know he was reimbursed and it would a struggle to get him to pay me back the difference from what we would have to pay upfront to the counselor. After that I am not sure.

I am seeing someone for myself starting the 27th. I can ask her for advise on other options for Sean and me. I haven't seen anyone since my last therapist moved away and it's time for a little extra help. I already know her from her time at Will and Connor's school before she went into private practice exclusively and she knows the older boys so her unique perspective will be welcome.

My jobs. Here is a typical day. Aiden come by around 6:30am. I get him settled and Sofie too then I have a job at 7:30 for at home nursing care. Connor watches the little ones while to do that job. (He gets paid) Four days a week I go to the library after the nursing job (where is usually watch the little ones too) and then come home to resume babysitting until 5 pm. Other wise I am home by 12:30. Except Tuesday when I am in town the with kids and Thursday when I leave nursing job to clean two houses and come home at 4pm. The other cleaning jobs I fit in when I can. I usually bring Sofie and I try to do it outside of the babysitting schedule. I have Community (CIA) meetings once a month on a Wednesday night, PTC (parent group) once a month whenever we can fit it in, movie club once a month when Sofie isn't home starting this Saturday ( I am a co-founder so I have to be there) and there is knitting group on Thursdays which I have been missing for a while...:( There is church on Sunday in summer at 10am and that is all my regular scheduled stuff outside of bringing the kids in town on Fridays to see Sean. *pant* When school starts, there will also be swim class and Sofie is going to start dance lessons some time next week. See why I want to only go into town one day a week? I LIVE here, not the city. My jobs are here, my home is here, school for Sofie (and until recently Cade) is here. Friends are here, my support for all the crap Sean So, there ya go in a nutshell. What will I do for work this winter? *sigh*


Carol said...

You know, I thought I was busy until I started trying to keep your jobs straight!!!! You've done a great job of taking care of your family financially, despite Sean's stupidity. I KNOW that come winter, there'll be some other opportunity for you, maybe you aren't even aware right now that it exists!

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