Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Scheduling good and the bad

I wish I could schedule the bad stuff in my life to fit neatly into the good stuff so there would be some kind of healthy pattern. Have some good, have some bad. Not "too" much bad at one time. Oh well. I got mail from the lawyer today. My stuff has been scheduled. Next month is the interim hearing about child support. If it happens or not still remains to be seen. Sean has until the 21st (ten days not counting the weekends) to turn over his taxes and other financial info. If he doesn't then I am not sure if it will go to a hearing. Then our mediation and pretrial case management hearing on the same day in September. I like the fact it is in September for several reasons. One, the kids will have already started school and it will be unlikely for a judge to pull the kids out and have them change households. Second, it will give both Cade and Connor some time in therapy with dad and it will remain to be seen if Sean can maintain his effort for that long. Third, Connor will have some time to see what living with dad is really like. Connor in therapy, good thing, Connor getting a heavy dose of reality, good thing. Sean's grip on being mr. nice guy, not happening. Being a parent is a consistent effort that Sean just can not do without huge support. Support, not orders and being told what to do like "the wife" does. Connor isn't going to take kindly to that. I talked with him today. He sounded sad and tired. I asked if he was ok and he said he was but I know just by listening to him something is bothering him. He is at his dad's again. I told him about the teen bonfire tonight in case he wanted to come and told him I felt bad he didn't wake up on Tuesday to say good bye to me and his grandmother before we left. I asked him when he was coming home and he said on Sunday. He was hoping to spend some time with his friends but it hasn't happened so he hopes to do so later this week. I am sure he thought living in town would afford him easy access to his friends and whatever else he wanted to do but it isn't turning out that way. Even there he has to make plans and accommodate other people. *gasp* On top of that he can't walk around downtown and go to the music store to browse and whatever like he could do when he was here. He could jump on the ferry, hang with friends, go around town and be home by 4pm to do group activities. He can't just jump on a bike and take off there like he can here. Oh, well, guess he didn't think things though.

On the way back home on Tuesday I took Sofie to see Sean's parents. Her grandmother was working but her grandfather was home. One of her cousins was there and they got to play together. He is a year older then her. I chatted with Sean's dad and he was saying how Sean's youngest sister (the one who took over Cade's room) is in therapy now. I was telling him about Connor and he was saying she was saying and doing a lot of the same things and she is 21. The whole "my family doesn't love me" stuff. So not true. She is living back at home with he parents now and doesn't take care of Sean's new baby anymore. Too stressful apparently. Now I know why Sean if freaking out about money somewhat. They had cheap and at times free daycare for the two kids with the sister there and now they have to either get daycare or one of them has to stay home. Sean got voted to stay home. I have no doubt he is feeling agoraphobic again. Not to mention "the wife" was practically keeping him going in court last week. Speaking for him except for when he had to talk to the magistrate.

Anyway, I started my job today of helping out in the morning and evenings with a guy who needs some home care. He got weaker again this year and I feel awful about it. He is such a nice guy. My life is busier now of course. I will get a borrow a golf cart a few times a month but I know my feet are going to be killing me. It was overcast today which was great because it wasn't so darn hot today. I like cloudy days. My house is a mess but I am too tired to do much. I am working on laundry and dishes and various little things. I have to make phone calls today mostly. I finally made an appointment to see someone new just for myself. I meet with her on the 27th. I have already met her and talked with her over the phone several times when she used to work at Will and Connor's school so she also has first hand experience with both boys and I am sure it will give her a unique perspective on what I am dealing with. She has also spoken with Sean some so, no blind spots. I am waiting for a call back from Cade's counselor about his schedule for next week. He doesn't want to see his dad in therapy next week, every other week which I think is a good idea too. He needs time just for him for his own issues. I am just there for a ride and scheduling. Lucky me. If my feet didn't hurt so much I would do more. Sofie has been sleeping for almost five hours today. She was horrible while I was gone this morning. Then she hit Cade, called him a bastard (which the other boy I watch taught her, neither knows what it means), I had to deal with that lovely problem and everything made her cry. EVERYTHING. So I just put her down for a nap. She dropped off like a stone and has been sound asleep since. We went to bed by 8:30 last night and she woke up at 7am this morning. I guess she just needed the rest because a sleepy Sofie is a cranky one. I can't wait to tell Aiden's mom his new "word". I am sure she will be having a conversation with her husband tonight.

I'm done eating my lunch now. Time to go back to the grind.


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