Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Silent as a ninja she slips out of bed and eyes the room looking for a weapon. Any weapon. She had been put in the room mere minutes ago her fate sealed. She did not want it. She tried to fight against it but her caretaker was insistent. There were things there for her supposed comfort. Warm blankets, soft music, a cool drink. Still, she was not satisfied. She would find a way out. If she couldn't then she would voice her silent protests in any way she could. She was her own master and none could cage her. Eyes roaming she couldn't find what she was looking for. Everything in the room was soft and safe. There was nothing. Nothing she could use to fight her oppressor. There! Under the bed she saw a flash of red. Crawling on hands and knees she make her way to what she could only hope would be the tool she needs. Hand reaching, little fingers grasping yet still unable to quite see she brings the object to her. Her first thought is that it's too small. Not what she was hoping it would be. Based on touch alone she couldn't be certain. Then, in the dim light coming in through the windows she finally is able to determine if fate has given her the opportunity she has been hoping for.

A short while later the evil mastermind behind her captivity came to check on "the princess". One can only imagine the sounds of the intake of breath that was heard when all her hard work was revealed. She saw the look of outrage on the face before her and yet, and yet she smiled her sweet smile. Mocking in it's innocence. The room around her was marked and ruined like the inside of her captors heart while she sat there, staring, smiling. The eye of the perfect storm. She had made her point clear. She would nap for no one. Her weapon, a broken red crayon.


Carol said...

You just can't win, can you???? Kind of reminds me of a time not too long after DD came to live with us--she was sent to her room for something, and she took a bottle of nail polish and painted "I hate Dad" all over the place. I'm sure she didn't enjoy cleaning it up....there are still some places you can see shadows of it on the wall/door.....I guess it's a "rite of passage" even when your kid arrives at age 8 :-)

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