Friday, November 6, 2009


I don't know if I should laugh or cry when it comes to Sofie on some days. Right now I am leaning towards laughter. Of course she is sleeping right now and that is helping me immensely. She has those days once and a while where she gets into everything. Today was that day. She has a hard time understanding the part of not touching things that do not belong to you. She has been whiny as well. I have no idea why she is like this today. Things are a bit off though. All the boys are home. The wind is pretty wild and I am glad I decided to stay home and go shopping tomorrow instead. Cade twisted his ankle this morning and we had to put it up for a few hours. He is ok now but he is still limping a bit. It's always something with someone. The older boys didn't want to get stuck in town either so stayed. Connor went to work and Will helped me cook up some leftovers to clean out the fridge for my big shopping day. He also helped fix the VCR after Sofie got a tape stuck in it and pinched her finger. Like I said, one of those days. While I helped her come down from her high pitched shrieks of pain he got the tape out. She was fine of course. Not even a red finger or a scratch. She was just scared. Will was trying real hard to not laugh at her. Her pitch is so high I think I will suffer hearing loss in the future.

Anyway, at 12:30 Sean finally called. No one realized it until half an hour later because we didn't hear it ring over Sofie's crying. He left a message. I can't believe it took him this long to call Cade back in the first place. In his message he said he was just returning Cade's call. I told Cade and he was pissed. "Returning MY call? He was the one who called first and asked me to call him back! He probably doesn't even remember and thinks I called him out of the blue!" I told Cade to not make any assumptions. Cade is still a bit upset so he hasn't called his dad back. It's probably better he doesn't until he is centered and not so miffed. I don't know if he will remember to call him back. Maybe he will wait 21 hours like his dad did. *shrug* I think I am going to stay out of this one. Sometimes I don't know what or how much I should do. I am not their mediator.


Carol said...

It's always something, isn't it? I think it's great that your boys can help you out some....LOL, DD is 16 and still has trouble learning the "If it's not yours, or if you're not sure, ask before you touch it." rule.....

Oh--and the spam fried rice????? I can't believe it was that easy, and yummy....DH, who doesn't like Spam, said "if I made it again, he'd eat it." which is high praise from him for a dish with Spam in it....and DD LOVED it. I made some egg drop soup, too, and she thought that was pretty good, too. So thanks for the recipe!

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