Sunday, November 15, 2009


I had company this weekend and now I am waiting for the kids to come home. Will and Connor of course were here. Will didn't have to work this weekend so he was able to spend time with all of us. He cooked a really tasty stir-fry and we played games and watched funny things on the computer. Sounds dull but we had a relaxing time. We even toasted mini marshmallows on toothpicks over little tea lights while we played cards. Connor said we were crazy but it was fun. I also noticed us being crazy didn't stop him from doing it too.

Sean called a little bit ago and said he was bringing the kids home on the later boat. He said he was sorry he didn't call sooner and forgo
t to ask when he picked up the kids. He was "distracted" and busy. He said Cade was fine with it. I asked to speak to Cade. Cade said it was ok. His cousin was visiting. It's the girl's birthday party. There sounded like there was a ton of screaming and fighting kids in the background. I am sure Sofie will have fun. She is pretty good about that. Cade on the other hand pointed out how he got a little cake and two presents while the girl has a party, a huge cake and a ton of gifts. He sees the favoritism his dad gives the girl and is really hurts him then makes him mad. I told him if he wanted to stay then that's was fine with me. I was only checking in with him because the last time his dad called Cade was upset I had said it was ok for him to stay because he hadn't wanted to. His dad had lied to me and I (duh) believed him. Hopefully Cade will be able to have a nice visit with his cousin (who hates the girl btw) and they can have some time to themselves away from the melee.

My laptop cord is getting funky. I hope it lasts. It costs a lot to replace.

Back to work tomorrow. Actually looking forward to a routine week ahead. I hope it will be anyway.


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