Friday, November 13, 2009

Mixed Feelings

I did my linens yesterday in preparation for my company this weekend. Also, since Sofie was sick I had to do her sheets anyway. I really loved going to bed last night. My sheets felt so nice and smelled so good. I always love that feeling.

Sofie was a handful yesterday. She was grumpy and didn't want to take a nap. Finally at 5pm I got her settled. I knew it was late for a nap but she really needed it. As it turned out she slept all the way until 5:30 this morning. She is fine now.

I was able to do Will's conference yesterday after all. His crew leader is the principal and he called and asked if we could do it by speakerphone. Nice. So we did and Will is doing great. Connor's teacher had to catch a plane after school so she said we might do the same thing next week. I like that but I am going to see if she can see me anyway. I want to put Connor on the spot a little.

Cade and Sofie have to go on a visit this weekend. Since Sofie is better I am going to let her go. She isn't very happy about going. She is also sad to be missing my friends visit and her dog. Cade is also a bit snarly about it but that's mostly because he knows his dad will want to tell him off for not calling him back. I told Cade he made the choice to not call his dad back and that does come with the consequence of having a "talk" with dad. If dad gets out of hand with the talk by giving out guilt trips or name calling then that is NOT his fault. I told him if possible he should try and tell his dad why he doesn't like talking to him. The old thing about how his dad can't do anything about things he doesn't know about discussion. It's getting old because even though the kids tell him he never does anything about his behavior. I just remind them that if they do everything they can then they will know they tried and will never look back with regret. It's kind of a hard idea for them to grasp because that is a long term thing and they have no basis yet to really understand it. Someday I hope they understand.


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