Thursday, November 12, 2009

The things he misses out on

Choices. I had to reschedule Will and Connor's conferences until next week because Sofie is sick. Last Friday Cade had a tummy ache and felt bad but he never really got sick. I am hoping that was his bout with the "flu" and he was able to fight it off. Last night at 3am Sofie woke up and threw up everywhere. She was able to get some sleep but kept getting up. She doesn't have a fever yet so that's good. She is in good spirits though and no one else here is sick. Cade was the only kid in school today. The teacher called and asked if I wanted him to come home and I said if they were willing to teach him then he could stay. I doubt he was thrilled with that. All the other kids are home with upset stomachs and high fevers. I couldn't bring Sofie with me to town with her upset stomach and my own lack of sleep. I hate having to put off the conferences but I really didn't have a choice. It's times like this I feel sad the kids only have one parent. I can only do so much. It's great the teachers at the school are understanding. Will started his freshman year there only days after Sean left. All the teachers there know the situation and Will has been quiet open and at times blunt about it. I have been to all the conferences and what school events I couldn't attend I sent things like cookies or donations. I try and be as involved as I can even at the high school without being too in your face. I don't want to be "embarrassing". Anyway, Sofie in the end slept more than me and now I will have the challenge of keeping her in bed for the day. She woke up and said she wasn't sick anymore. Of course as long a she isn't actively puking she thinks she isn't sick. Her occasional dry heaves give her away. She also wants to drink a lot and doesn't understand that too much isn't good either. I like having ice pops for her. I am getting some new (to Sofie anyway) kids movies from a neighbor today. I hope they keep her happy so she stays put. Now, back the laundry. She really made a mess.


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