Monday, November 2, 2009

Rest of the Weekend

It was one of those weekends when planning things was just and exercise in futility. I was going to have company and was looking forward to it for over a month. At the last minute it didn't happen. The boys were sad too. It kinda messed me up a little bit food wise. I thought I needed more food than I had so I spent some money at the store here because I wasn't able to go to town where I can use my food stamps. We were out of milk, eggs, bread and juice. I had planned on going to town on the noon boat and going shopping after the school Halloween party but Cade and Sofie were able to get their flu shots at school for free at 12:30. So I had to weigh my options and got them their shots and spent the cash for the food. I had to take the 4pm boat to take Sofie in and I had no time to shop. It wasn't until I was on the boat home that I knew my company wasn't coming. I was bummed. I didn't have enough candy either because they were supposed to bring extra. Now what was I going to do? I made some cookies too. The next day everyone was out of sorts. Will had the day off which was nice. I called a friend and we made plans to give out candy at her house. My house is too far up the road for the little kids to go in the cold so I always give out candy at the end of the road. This year the friend I normally give out candy with is with her family right now because of her dad's passing. There were some summer kids out that Connor knew and he was off all dressed up my mid afternoon and playing. Cade left at 5pm to track them down and start trick or treating. We start early here. Will and I left around 5pm as well. Will was helping out the other Will for his Halloween party. Their friends were coming out on the 7pm boat and spending the night. This was at the same place I was going to anyway. The plan was my friend was to be a fortune teller and I was the innocent dupe. I brought some tarot cards and the like and she had a crystal ball. Everything was fine until the wind picked up. The candles just went out and we couldn't see very well even though I had brought a lantern and there was the street light. We were outside because you don't know if people are home from her house and have to walk a little wooded path to get to her front door so we were out by the road. It was cold and windy. I had bought a bottle of wine called Vampire (no joke) as a gag thing for my friend but she didn't come so I thought I would share it with my other friend. Too cold, dark and windy to bother. After the trick or treaters were done we went in to hopefully have at least one glass to try it out and I was going to read her fortune. Cade showed up and dug into his candy and Connor came by. We never got to try out anything. Another time I guess. The party was being held in the house next door which was empty and Connor had loaned out some of his xbox games and controllers for the party. He went over to check it out and ask if the games were ok. Well, he came back all miffed. All the kids there except my Will are seniors. My friend and I had been popping in and out to make sure it was a clean party. Connor is a freshman and as soon as he walked in one if the kids swore at him and told him to leave. He hadn't been planning on staying anyway but had wanted to help out if there were any problems with the games. He really isn't friends with them anyway and had planned on watching the Ghost Hunters live show at home. His "greeting" ticked him off and he asked for his games back. He was really hurt. The other Will came over to look for batteries for one of the controlers and his mom told him she was not pleased at all for how Connor had been treated. He, of course, said, "Well, when you crash a party..." like that made it ok to be rude. She just rolled her eyes. Crashed? Here? Gimmie a break. Besides, he wasn't going to stay but came to offer help and they would have known that if they hadn't mouthed off first. Will apologized and even gave Connor his controler back because Connor couldn't do anything at home because he had given them his. Connor let them keep one. Which was more than generous after how he had been treated. Connor said he didn't care but you could tell he did. We got a ride home and watched Ghost Hunters for a bit. Connor was tired all of a sudden though and went to bed. I have noticed he gets "tired" when he is feeling low and sleeps quickly. I felt bad he had a horrible end to his evening. He had a great time the rest of the day and got loads of candy. He is a bit old for trick or treating but the people here encourage the older kids to go out. We get rid of extra candy that way and it keeps the older kids away from wanting to go to town and get into the drug stuff and drinking parties. The older kids love dressing up as much as if not more than the younger kids. None of them act like they are too old or too cool for Halloween. The adults all dress up and it's fun and some people use more than one outfit.

oh yeah, there is an article out today about our island and our little school. Check it out and maybe move here...:)


Carol said...

I love your island....I did even before I read that article!!!! Before I met you I had never envisioned a life like that, now every time you write about your community, or the way the island is laid out, etc., I get wistful....

I'll be moving out there as soon as my mortgage is paid off here (because nobody in their right mind would ever buy the heap of s***) :-)

You are so lucky to have been in that community when your personal s*** hit the fan....the support you've gotten has been absolutely amazing!

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