Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Anime Tuesdays 3

This one is for older teens and adults. I did let Cade watch the first episode with me but I got the feeling it wasn't going to just be a funny detective anime. Demon not withstanding. After all, he watched Inuyasha. I watched this all the way to the end and enjoyed it. I loved the character Sai. Even though he was a bloody (and I mean chop people up and put them in little tiny boxes bloody) he was amazing. This was funny and I loved the food-centric theme. Neuro is a demon who eats mysteries and Yako just loves to eat. A nice duo. I felt that we could have learned a little more about Sai in the end but since most anime endings either make me angry or cry I was pleased I did neither with this one. I will have to track down the manga and read it now. *sigh*


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